IGNOU MCOM Project Submission: MCOP-001

Overview of the IGNOU MCOM Project Submission

The IGNOU MCOM Project is a fundamental element comprising the Indira Gandhi National Open University’s M.Com courses Submission. The IGNOU MCOM Project of this endeavor is to provide students with practical experience in commerce research methodology and techniques. It enables students, under the supervision of a supervisor, to acquire in-depth knowledge on a particular commerce and management-related subject or issue.

What is the process for IGNOU MCOM Project Submission?

Steps you can take to write a project proposal:

  1. Define the problem
  2. Present your solution
  3. Define your deliverables and success criteria
  4. State your plan or approach
  5. Outline your project schedule and budget
  6. Tie it all together
  7. Edit/proofread your proposal

Sections that a MCOM project proposal should include:

  • Executive summary: This section should summarize the problem your project plans to solve, the solution your project provides for that problem, and the impact your project will have. It should be able to be summarized in a minute or two.
  • Project background: This section should include the project’s background and the problem it aims to solve.
  • Potential and expected solutions: This section should include the potential and expected solutions the project offers.
  • List of project deliverables: This section should include the deliverables that will be done at the end of the project.
  • Request for resources: This section should include the resources needed to execute the project.
  • Financial metrics: This section should highlight a budget and costs.
  • Review and conclusion: This section should close the proposal.

Here are some tips for writing an effective project proposal: Write for your audience, be persuasive, connect the project to the recipient, Keep it simple, and Follow convention.

Before submitting a proposal, you should:

  • Proofread
  • Keep the formatting in mind
  • Check and re-check the math in your budget
  • Make sure you have the right contact at the donor agency
  • Ensure all your documents are up to date

Can you change your MCOM project topic after the proposal has been approved?

Yes, you can change your research topic after your proposal has been accepted, as long as you have a good reason and discuss it with your advisor. You should also consider how far along you are in your research.

Here are some things you can do:

  • Consult with advisors: They can provide guidance on selecting a new topic that aligns with your academic goals and research interests.
  • Check literature review: Make sure the new topic is suitable as per your research work and the literature available.
  • Consider the implications: Changes may have implications on the progress of your research.

You can also make minor changes to your research topic and thesis title from time to time, and in particular at the time the final version of your thesis is drafted.

What are the formatting and IGNOU MCOM Project Submission guidelines for the final project?

Formatting guidelines for final projects:

  • Page numbers: Page numbers should be in the upper right corner, and every page should have one. For example, if the title page is 1, the approval page is 2, and the abstract page is 3, then the body of work begins on page 4.
  • Text: Use single spacing, justified format, and Times New Roman font.
  • Hyphens: Use hyphens for compound words, dashes for page number ranges, and long dashes instead of commas.
  • Title: Use 14pt bold font for the title, and center it.
  • Sections: Include a title page, table of contents, and introduction.
  • Citations: Include the citation for previously published work as the first footnote or endnote on the first page of the chapter.
  • Other formatting: Use the same formatting and placement for fonts, margins, chapter headings, and references as the rest of the thesis or dissertation.

Other guidelines:

  • Don’t use typesetting notations like “insert table x here”.
  • Use different sections for Roman numerals on the pre-text pages and Arabic numerals on the rest of the document.
  • Make sure the title listed on the title, approval, and abstract pages are all the same.
  • If the document is online, make sure the file works when uploaded.

How and where do you submit your completed MCOM project?

Steps to submit an IGNOU project online:

  1. Go to the IGNOU website.
  2. Find the link for submitting the project report in the Alert section.
  3. Follow the instructions on the page.
  4. Click yes at the bottom of the guidelines page.
  5. On the Student Support Services page, fill out the required information.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Read the instructions and submit carefully.

Where do you submit your completed MCOM project?

You can submit your project by email to your regional center which you can find on the IGNOU Regional Centre website.

You can upload your work to an online portal, or you can do IGNOU MCOM Project Submission physically. Some courses may require physical submission.

The project evaluation fee is mandatory, and it depends on the number of credits in your project. For projects with up to 4 credits, the fee is Rs. 300, and for projects with more than 4 credits, the fee is Rs. 500.

The paper size should be standard A4, with a height of 297 mm and a width of 210 mm. The font should be Times New Roman, 12 pt., with 1.5 line spacing.

Can you request an extension for your IGNOU MCOM Project Submission?

Yes, you can request an extension for an IGNOU MCOM Project Submission if you have a valid reason. For example, you might need an extension if you have a personal or medical emergency, or if technical difficulties prevent you from completing the assignment on time. You might also need an extension if the project requires more work than you expected, or if you’re waiting for materials that are essential to the project.

Tips for requesting an extension:

  • Be honest: Be truthful and open with your instructor or employer about why you need an extension.
  • Provide documentation: Provide any necessary documentation or proof of your situation.
  • Request early: Don’t wait until the last minute to ask for an extension.
  • Be tactful: Be tactful and diplomatic in your wording.
  • Phone first: For the sake of speed, phones the employer to discuss the situation.

Some professors offer extensions on a case-by-case basis, while others may require a doctor’s note or other proof that you can’t meet the original deadline. You can generally make the request over email so you have a paper trail of your request and your professor’s response.

How many copies of the MCOM project report do you need to submit?

The number of copies of a project report you need to submit depends on the organization or program. For example, the Uttarakhand Open University requires one copy of the project report and a CD, while NCSC requires two copies, one for IGNOU MCOM Project Submission and one for use in presentation. IoBM requires four copies or five if the project has an industrial component.

Other guidelines for project reports:

  • You should keep one copy for future use.
  • The report should be in A-4 size, typed in double space.
  • The report should be written clearly and supported by facts and figures.

A project report is a mandatory document that outlines the details, feasibility, and financial requirements of a MCOM project. It should include the project’s progress, achievements, challenges, and future plans.

Steps for writing a MCOM project report:

  1. Define your objectives.
  2. Recognize your audience.
  3. Collect data.                  
  4. Structure the report.
  5. Edit and proofread.

Common sections of a project report include: Summary, Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.

What do you do if your project supervisor is not responsive?

Here are some things you can try if your project supervisor is not responsive:

Send a polite follow-up

If your supervisor hasn’t replied to a message, you can send a polite follow-up after one to two weeks. In your email, be clear, concise, and professionally written, and state your purpose and interests.

Consider other means of communication

You can try reaching out through departmental coordinators, or if you have a registered letter, you can keep a copy and track the registered mail number.

Schedule a meeting

If your supervisor answers your questions but doesn’t have time to discuss everything, you can schedule a one-on-one meeting.

Report the issue

You can report your supervisor to the people they report to, or to the dean of a department.

You can also try these things:

  • Identify the root cause
  • Be the first to add your personal experience
  • Seek feedback and improve
  • Say that you would really value their input
  • Ask if it would be possible to have more frequent contact
  • If there’s still no response, or if they say no or if they get angry, this is when you might consider trying to change supervisor

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